Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

The Best Kept Secret to Helping Your Child’s Immune System Thrive

As a parent, you've likely experienced those frustrating moments when it seems like your child catches every bug that goes around. You might have tried everything from strict hand-washing routines to countless supplements, only to find yourself back at square one with another illness. But what if we told you that the key to unlocking your child's immune health might not be in yet another supplement or medication but in a nerve you may not have heard of? Let's explore the vagus nerve and how it could be the game-changer in your child's health journey.

The Vagus Nerve: Your Child's Hidden Health Superhighway

Imagine a superhighway running through your child's body, connecting their brain to almost every major organ. That's the vagus nerve – often called the "wandering nerve" because of how extensively it travels. This incredible nerve plays a crucial role in regulating your child's immune system, acting as a sophisticated communication channel between the brain and the body.

When the vagus nerve is functioning optimally, it helps maintain what we call the "inflammatory reflex." It helps ensure that your child’s immune system responds appropriately to threats without going overboard. It's like having a perfect balance of alertness and calm in their body.

The Science Behind the Vagus Nerve and Immune Function

Let's break down how this works:

  1. Detection: When your child's body encounters a potential threat (like a virus or bacteria), sensory fibers in the vagus nerve detect this and send signals to the brain.

  2. Processing: The brain processes this information and determines the appropriate response.

  3. Response: The brain then sends signals back through the vagus nerve to control inflammation and immune response.

  4. Balance: This back-and-forth communication helps ensure that the immune response is neither too weak (leaving your child vulnerable to infections) nor too strong (potentially leading to issues like allergies or autoimmune conditions).

A well-functioning vagus nerve can lead to:

  • Fewer illnesses and quicker recovery times

  • Reduced allergic reactions and asthma symptoms

  • Better digestion and gut health (remember, a large portion of the immune system is in the gut!)

  • Improved mood and behavior

  • Enhanced overall resilience and stress response

  • Better sleep quality

  • Reduced inflammation throughout the body

Isn't it exciting to think that supporting this one nerve could have such wide-reaching effects on your child's health?

What Can Disrupt Vagus Nerve Function?

Understanding what can interfere with vagus nerve function is crucial. Some common factors include:

  1. Birth trauma: Even a seemingly uncomplicated birth can sometimes cause misalignments that affect nerve function.

  2. Chronic stress: Our modern, fast-paced lifestyles can take a toll on the nervous system, even in children.

  3. Poor posture: In our digital age, many children spend hours hunched over devices, which can impact nerve pathways.

  4. Nutritional deficiencies: The nerve needs proper nutrition to function optimally.

  5. Environmental toxins: Exposure to certain chemicals or pollutants can affect nervous system function.

A Natural Approach to Your Child's Health

By focusing on supporting the vagus nerve, we're not just treating symptoms – we're enhancing your child's overall health from the inside out. This approach can lead to improvements not just in immune function but in areas like sleep, digestion, and even mood and behavior.

Imagine a future where your child isn't constantly battling illnesses, where allergies are less severe, and where their body is better equipped to handle whatever comes their way. That's the potential of a well-functioning vagus nerve.

Taking the Next Step

As parents, we all want the best for our children. By focusing on the vagus nerve – this incredible "wandering nerve" – we have the opportunity to support our children's health in a profound and drug-free way. It's not about quick fixes or masking symptoms; it's about nurturing our children's innate ability to heal and thrive.

For next steps and to schedule a consultation, please reach out to LUMINOUS Chiropractic today! If you are not local to us, please check out the PX Docs directory to find an office near you.

Here's to unlocking your child's true health potential and watching them flourish in ways you might never have imagined!

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

Why All Chiropractic Care Isn’t Created Equal for Kids!

As a parent, you want the best for your child's health. In today's world of abundant healthcare options, it can be challenging to navigate the best path for your little one. You may have heard about chiropractic care, but did you know there are different types, each with its own focus and approach? Understanding these differences could be the key to unlocking your child's full health potential.

Imagine a healthcare approach that doesn't just treat symptoms but addresses the root cause of your child’s health challenges. A method that focuses on the nervous system - the master control center of the body. 

Let's explore the world of chiropractic care and discover why Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care might be the game-changer you've been searching for.

The Evolution of Natural Health Care

Over the past 16 years, we've seen a remarkable shift in healthcare approaches. What was once considered "alternative" or "natural" health is now mainstream. Gluten-free diets, dairy-free options, paleo eating, and supplement regimens have become common practices for many families seeking optimal health.

This explosion of holistic and natural health options is fantastic news! However, it can also lead to confusion and overwhelm. With so many choices available, how do you know which approach is best for your child?

Breaking Down the Types of Chiropractic Care

Let's simplify things by exploring the three main types of chiropractic care:

  1. Standard Spinal Chiropractic Care: This traditional approach focuses primarily on musculoskeletal issues like back pain, neck pain, and spinal problems. It uses spinal adjustments to relieve pain and improve mobility, often incorporating therapies like massage and posture correction. While great for addressing specific pain issues, it may not fully address underlying neurological imbalances.

  2. Functional Neurology: This approach emphasizes brain-based therapies and neurological pathways. It uses a range of therapies, including sensory stimulation and cognitive exercises, with a focus on primitive reflex integration. While effective, it can sometimes involve a complex, multifaceted approach that might be overwhelming for some patients.

  3. Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care: This specialized approach targets the root cause of many health issues: subluxation, nervous system dysregulation, and dysautonomia. It uses specialized Neuro-Tonal adjustments to restore balance to the nervous system and employs advanced INSiGHT Scans to assess nervous system health. What sets this approach apart is its emphasis on achieving neurological stability before introducing other therapies.

Why Neurologically-Focused Care Matters

When we look at the research behind the increasing prevalence of chronic health issues in children, we see that it's often the Central and Autonomic Nervous Systems that get thrown off track first. Once subluxation, sympathetic dominance, and nervous system dysregulation set in, they can contribute to a cascade of health challenges.

These neurological imbalances can lead to:

  • Decreased gut, immune system, and microbiome function

  • Delayed or missed gross and fine motor milestones

  • Sensory processing disorders

  • Retained primitive reflexes

One of the key principles in Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care is the importance of addressing health issues in the right order. Just as optimal neurological and overall health development follows a specific sequence, healing, and restoration must follow that same order.

While it might seem intuitive to tackle multiple issues simultaneously, especially in challenging cases, our clinical experience shows that a "less is more" approach is often more effective. By focusing on establishing neurological stability first, we create a strong foundation for overall health and healing.

Finding Your Path Forward

If you feel like you've tried everything and aren't seeing the results you hoped for, consider these steps:

  1. Evaluate whether you have a trusted Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractor on your healthcare team.

  2. Reflect on whether your current approach feels overwhelming or potentially counterproductive.

  3. Consider hitting the "reset" button and taking a fresh look at your child's health plan, possibly adopting a more focused, sequential approach.

Understanding the different types of chiropractic care is crucial in finding the right approach for your child's health. While each type has its merits, Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care offers a unique, comprehensive approach that addresses the root cause of many chronic health issues.

If you've been struggling to find answers for your child's health challenges, or if you're interested in a natural, drug-free approach to optimizing your child's health, Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care could be the answer you've been searching for.  Please don’t wait to reach out to LUMINOUS Chiropractic today to schedule a consultation with one of our PX Docs! If you are not local to us, check out the PX Docs directory to find an office near you.

Don't let another day go by wondering if there's a better way to support your child's health. Explore the potential of Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care and take the first step towards unlocking your child's full health potential.

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

10 Reasons Your Child Might Need A Boost Adjustment

Raising healthy, happy kids in today's fast-paced world is no small feat. From growth spurts to seasonal sniffles, our little ones face a constant stream of challenges that can sometimes leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if I told you there's a secret weapon in your parenting arsenal that could help your child navigate these challenges more smoothly? Enter boost adjustments – the game-changer in pediatric chiropractic care that you might not know about yet, but that could transform your family's approach to health and wellness!

As family chiropractors, one of the most important things we discuss in our practice is knowing when it's the right time to utilize boost adjustments for your kids, yourself, or the whole family. These extra adjustments are designed to provide additional support during those extra busy or stressful seasons of life. They're like a turbo boost for your child's nervous system, helping them adapt and thrive in the face of life's many challenges.

Understanding Boost Adjustments

Before we dive into the specifics, let's take a moment to understand what boost adjustments really are. In essence, they're additional chiropractic adjustments that go beyond your regular care plan. They're strategically timed to provide extra support when your body needs it most. They help the body process and adapt to new challenges more effectively, whether that's fighting off a cold, dealing with a growth spurt, or managing the stress of a new school year.

The Top 10 Reasons for Boost Adjustments

Now, let's break down the top 10 reasons why your child might benefit from a boost adjustment:

  1. Immune Challenges: When your little one is fighting off a cold or infection, boost adjustments can optimize their neuro-immune system, helping them recover faster. Did you know children experience an average of 6-8 colds per year? That's a lot for their little bodies to handle! Boost adjustments can give their immune system the extra support it needs to fight off those pesky bugs more effectively.

  2. Growth Spurts: Kids grow about 2 inches and gain about 6 pounds annually on average. These rapid periods of growth can stress the neurospinal system, sometimes leading to growing pains or temporary clumsiness. Boost adjustments help the body adapt more smoothly to these changes, potentially easing discomfort and improving coordination during these crucial phases of development.

  3. Teething: We all know how disruptive teething can be! This process can affect sleep and mood by disrupting the nervous system. Extra adjustments can help balance the system during this time, potentially leading to better sleep for your little one (and for you!), improved mood, and a smoother teething experience overall.

  4. Injuries and Falls: Kids are active, and accidents happen. Whether it's a tumble on the playground or a sports-related injury, boost adjustments can aid in recovery and prevent long-term issues. They help ensure that the body heals properly and that compensatory patterns don't develop, which could lead to problems down the road.

  5. Seasonal Changes: Weather shifts can throw off the nervous system, especially in sensitive kids. Proactive adjustments can help maintain balance during these transitions, potentially reducing the frequency of seasonal sniffles and supporting more stable moods.

  6. Busy School Seasons: The stress of school, sports, and activities can overwhelm the nervous system. Regular boost adjustments can improve resilience during these hectic times, helping your child manage stress more effectively and maintain their energy levels.

  7. Work Stress for Adults: Yes, boost adjustments are great for parents too! They can help you perform better at work and maintain that all-important work-life balance. When you're at your best, you're better equipped to support your family's health and happiness.

  8. Big Life Changes: Major life events like moving homes, changing schools, or welcoming a new sibling can cause emotional stress for the whole family. Boost adjustments help regulate the nervous system during these times of transition, potentially easing anxiety and supporting smoother adaptations to new circumstances.

  9. Medical Interventions: If your child needs medication or vaccinations, boost adjustments can help minimize side effects and support overall health. They can help the body process and integrate medical interventions more effectively, potentially reducing adverse reactions and supporting the treatment's efficacy.

  10. Starting New Therapies: When beginning new treatments or protocols, boost adjustments can help the body integrate these changes more effectively. This can lead to better outcomes and a smoother adjustment period.

The Science Behind Boost Adjustments

Now, you might be wondering, "How do boost adjustments actually work?" Great question! Each of these situations is likely to cause extra stress on the nervous system, potentially throwing health and quality of life off track. For patients already under regular chiropractic care, often all they need to get back on track quickly is to come in for a boost adjustment or two.

By providing additional adjustments that help quickly optimize nervous system function, we're not just treating symptoms – we're enhancing the body's ability to heal and regulate itself. This builds resilience and adaptability, setting your child up for long-term health success.

The nervous system is the master control system of the body. It governs everything from immune function to mood regulation, from physical coordination to stress response. When the nervous system is functioning optimally, the body is better equipped to handle whatever challenges come its way.

Unlike medications that may suppress symptoms temporarily, boost adjustments aim to leave the body stronger and more resilient in the long run. It's about empowering your child's body to handle life's challenges more effectively.

Making Boost Adjustments Part of Your Family's Wellness Routine

If you've never scheduled a boost adjustment before, don't worry – it's easy! You can:

  • Talk to your doctor or care advocate at your next appointment and book it on the spot

  • Use our scheduling link on your phone to book a boost adjustment appointment

  • Give us a call or send us a text to set up your boost adjustment

We know that life is unpredictable, and that's okay! We're here to support you and your family's health journey every step of the way, whether you plan ahead or need a last-minute appointment.

Don't let busyness or illness slow your family down. By incorporating boost adjustments into your wellness routine, you're investing in your child's ability to stay healthy and strong all year long. It's not about treating problems as they arise – it's about building a foundation for lifelong health and resilience.

Are you ready to supercharge your child's health? Give LUMINOUS CHIROPRACTIC a call today to learn more about how boost adjustments can benefit your family. If you are not local to us, please check out the PX Docs directory to find an office near you. Let's work together to help your kids thrive, no matter what life throws their way!

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

“Side Effects” of Chiropractic Care

As a parent, you're constantly bombarded with health advice for your children. From the latest miracle supplements to the newest medical treatments, it can feel overwhelming trying to navigate the best path for your family's well-being. But what if there was a natural, drug-free approach that could help your child thrive in ways you never imagined? That's where Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care comes in, and the "side effects" might just surprise you – in the best way possible!

The Current State of Children's Health

Before we dive into the benefits of chiropractic care, let's take a moment to consider the current state of children's health. Did you know that approximately 40% of children today struggle with chronic health conditions? From allergies and asthma to ADHD and anxiety, our kids are facing health challenges at unprecedented rates.

As parents, we often find ourselves caught in a cycle of treating symptoms without addressing the root causes. We bounce from specialist to specialist, trying medication after medication, often feeling like we're not making real progress. It's exhausting, frustrating, and, let's face it – it's not the future we envisioned for our children.

But what if there was another way?

Enter Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "Chiropractic care for kids? Isn't that just for adults with back pain?" Not at all! Pediatric chiropractic care is a specialized field that focuses on optimizing your child's nervous system function, which in turn supports overall health and development.

Here's the key: your child's nervous system acts as the body's "air traffic controller." When it's not functioning optimally, it can lead to a whole host of issues that might seem unrelated at first glance. By addressing nervous system dysfunction, we can help your child's body heal and regulate itself naturally.

The Positive "Side Effects" Parents Can't Stop Raving About

Now, let's get to the good stuff – the amazing benefits parents are seeing in their children after starting chiropractic care. Remember, these aren't side effects in the traditional, negative sense. These are positive changes that can transform your child's life:

  1. Improved Sleep: Is bedtime a battle in your house? Many parents report that their children sleep better and longer after starting chiropractic care. Imagine your little one finally getting the rest they need, waking up refreshed and ready to take on the day! Better sleep can lead to improved mood, better focus at school, and even a stronger immune system.

  2. Better Digestive Health: Tummy troubles are all too common in kids, but they don't have to be a fact of life. Improvements in issues like colic, reflux, and constipation are common among our young patients. A properly functioning nervous system supports optimal digestion, which means fewer complaints about stomach aches.

  3. Stronger Immune System: Tired of your child catching every bug that goes around? You're not alone. The good news is that families often report fewer illnesses and quicker recovery times after starting chiropractic care. A balanced nervous system supports a strong immune response, helping your child's body fight off germs more effectively.

  4. Better Posture and Physical Development: In our digital age, poor posture is becoming increasingly common, even in young children. Chiropractic care supports healthy physical development, setting the stage for a lifetime of good posture. 

  5. Enhanced Emotional Regulation: Parenting isn't for the faint of heart, especially when dealing with emotional outbursts and mood swings. Many parents notice their children showing better emotional stability after receiving chiropractic care. 

  6. Improved Cognitive Function and Focus: In today's fast-paced world, the ability to focus is more important than ever. Many children show enhanced brain function and better concentration after receiving chiropractic care. This can translate to improved performance in school, better problem-solving skills, and increased creativity.

  7. Overall Health Improvement: Perhaps the most heartwarming change is seeing your child simply happier, more comfortable, and generally healthier. Parents often report that their children seem more at ease in their own bodies, more energetic, and more resilient overall.

How Does Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care Work?

You might be wondering how exactly chiropractic care can have such wide-ranging effects. It all comes down to the nervous system – the master control system of the body.

When a child experiences physical, chemical, or emotional stress (which can start as early as the birthing process), it can create tension and misalignments in the spine. These misalignments, called subluxation, can interfere with the proper function of the nervous system.

Pediatric chiropractors use gentle, specific adjustments to correct subluxation, allowing the nervous system to function optimally. When the nervous system is working well, every other system in the body benefits – from the immune system to the digestive system and beyond.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe for Children?

This is often the first question parents ask, and it's a great one. The safety of our children is always our top priority. The good news is that numerous studies have shown pediatric chiropractic care to be remarkably safe. In fact, it's often considered safer than many common over-the-counter medications we give our children without a second thought.

Pediatric chiropractors in our PX Docs network undergo extensive training to work with children of all ages, from newborns to teenagers. They use very gentle techniques appropriate for a child's size and stage of development. Many parents are surprised at how gentle and noninvasive the adjustments are.

A Natural, Drug-Free Approach to Health

One of the biggest advantages of chiropractic care is that it's a completely natural, drug-free approach to health. In a world where medication, which often comes with nasty side effects, seems like the first line of defense, chiropractic offers an alternative that supports the body's innate ability to heal and regulate itself.

If you're intrigued by the potential benefits of pediatric chiropractic care, you might be wondering how to get started. The first step is to make an appointment for a consultation at Luminous Chiropractic .  If you are not local to us, you can check out the PX Docs directory to find an office near you. 

As parents, we all want to give our children the best possible start in life. Neurologically-Focused Pediatric Chiropractic Care offers a natural, holistic approach to health that can support your child's development in ways you might never have imagined.

From better sleep and improved immunity to enhanced focus and emotional balance, the positive "side effects" of chiropractic care can touch every aspect of your child's life. It's not about treating symptoms – it's about optimizing your child's nervous system so their body can function at its best.

Your child deserves to thrive, not just survive. Why wait another day? The journey to better health starts now!

Here's to happy, healthy kids and less stressed parents

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas


There is an ever-increasing amount of children and teenagers experiencing challenges with their health that seem to not connect to one another, but they are collectively keeping these kids from experiencing their absolute best health AND life from gut issues, brain fog, chronic fatigue & exhaustion, and immune issues, to increased challenges regulating emotions.

For many parents of these kiddos and teenagers, it can feel like you are out “on an island.” These families have likely gone through a myriad of doctor’s appointments, medications, therapies, etc., and still have a child who is struggling. What can be the most frustrating for these families is going through all of these things and still being left with no answers.

Again, many of these families, wonder if there is an underlying connection to all of these challenges their children are facing. We agree with them and recognize that the connection to all of these challenges is their child’s nervous system. Specifically, the autonomic nervous system.

This is where the term DYSAUTONOMIA comes from. Simply, this refers to a decrease in regulation and lack of proper function within the autonomic nervous system.

This part of the nervous system is the connection most of these families are searching for because it coordinates & controls the functions that most impact our health. Things like digestion, immune response, sleep, and perception of our environment. If we take a look back at the list of challenges at the top of this post, all of those challenges are a result of altered function within the autonomic nervous system.

Unfortunately, the conventional medical approach overlooks the importance of the nervous system and its role as the root cause of these (and many other) challenges and opts to manage symptoms. This approach, while possibly providing temporary relief, fails to address the underlying dysfunction, leaving children trapped in a cycle of recurring symptoms and frustration. 

Enter our neurologically focused chiropractic care. A beacon of hope for so many families that feel stuck and trapped into only relying on medications for there children and families. Focused on providing precise chiropractic adjustments to help unwind and alleviate NeuroSpinal tension (subluxation) we help these families start their journey back towards optimal health & healing.

Helping the nervous system heal naturally has to happen in the same “order” or sequence that optimal neurological development is supposed to occur. At Luminous Chiropractic, we know that before we can expect improvements in brain-based challenges such as seizures and anxiety, we must first get to work on the patient’s digestion, sleep, immune function, and motor system.

Hope Through Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic

If your child’s health journey has been marred by unexplained symptoms and relentless challenges, dysautonomia could hold the key to understanding their struggles. Take the first step towards clarity and healing by scheduling a consultation at Luminous Chiropractic!

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas


I am dedicating this blog post to another passion of mine…. athletic performance.

I have been athlete all of my life and have recently (within the last 3-4 years) become more passionate about helping young athletes reach their optimal athletic performance.

Before I was called into chiropractic, I did this as a personal trainer. I had the honor to work with many young athletes in that regard. Helping them (most often) put on muscle and get stronger.

Now, as a chiropractor, I have the unique ability to help athletes tap into their potential by working with and improving the very factor that dictates that performance…


It has become more readily talked about in recent times, but it is still somewhat new. The knowing that if we want to help an athlete truly get the most out of their performance we have to remove the barriers to their neurological fiunction.

Simply put - if an athletes nervous system is constantly trying to overcome the demands being placed on it from a place of PROTECTION,SAFETY, & SURVIVAL (commonly known as Fight/Flight/Freeze) than the notion of improving performance is mute. It doesn’t matter!

Trying to optimize performance of a nervous system in this way is much like trying to get a Ferrari to hit top end speed with the emergency break on! You might get something to happen but most likely (and faster than you want) things are going to start not working well or at all!

In this analogy in order to UNLEASH the Ferrari’s amazing performance we have to unlock the E-Brake. Once it is set free the brilliance of its technology and performance takes over and the driver can realize its full potential.

For athletes, they are the Ferrari. The E-Brake is their nervous system “stuck” in stress. Chiropractic care is the “unlocking” of the E-Brake.

With consistent chiropractic care we can give athletes the best chance at keeping that E-Brake “off” while simultaneously unlocking & optimizing their God-given potential to perform.

There are so many things that athletes could (and SHOULD do) to help optimize their performance, but there is nothing that is as foundational as chiropractic care. Here is why we know this to be true…

  1. Nervous System Function = Performance

    • There have been many studies on the impact of chiropractic care on performance but the one that always stands out to me the most was done in 2014 with Special Forces soldiers

      • They tested their reaction times and then one group received chiropractic adjustments (the other group was only setup on).

      • The group that received the adjustments had “an immediate reduction in reaction time.”

    • If we also simply look at athletic performance from a functional standpoint, the ability of the body to move, jump, stop, cut, dive, swing, etc. comes down to how well the nervous system is controlling & coordinating those abilities.

      • Chiropractic care has a direct impact on that function by increasing the brains ability to SENSE those demands, INTEGRATE them, and then create the appropriate OUTPUT.

      • This is known as SENSORIMOTOR INTEGRATION

      • The more efficient this process is the more likely an athlete will learn, grow, and evolve in their chosen sport/ activity.

  2. Movement

    • There is nothing more ‘core’ to a human being than their spine! All of our movement patterns can be traced back to the spine in some way.

    • Optimal spinal function = optimal movement = decreasing the chacne of injury

  3. Recovery

    • An athletes ability to recover from training, practice, and live action is of paramount importance! Not only as it pertains to their performance but from their longevity in their chosen sport.

      • Recovery has many avenues that can be taken to achieve certain results, but like the other factors listed it is the nervous system that controls how well it happens.

      • An adaptable nervous system is key to optimal recovery

We have a passion for helping young athletes realize their potential and cultivate the understanding that they can bring out that potential by supporting their body and understanding how to care for it!

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

The 1% Change

1% change.

In some cases or circumstances 1% change may indicate a great change, but in the outlook of our health & healing 1% is not all that much change at all.

Usually, this looks like focusing on and only doing enough to change the level of our pain.

Essentially, only making a 1% change from in pain to out of pain,

|—-pain——-|——————————no pain——————————-|

In the diagram above, this would look like doing just enough to get ourselves from the “pain” section over the line into no pain and stopping at that.

Is there anything wrong with this, of course not.

For many people this is something that they are in desperate need of, but…

There is more.

There is more to our diagram and most importantly there is more to our health!

We are more than our pain,

Heck, we are more than just not having it also.

Through many avenues the majority of us over the course of our lives have been taught and conditioned to believe (and take action based on) that the biggest predictor of the quality of our health is the presence or absence of pain.

Yet, when we really begin to delve into what health is and where it comes from we can begin to see that pain is not only a bad indicator it is merely a small fraction of the entire picture. In this picture we also see that aches, pain, and symptomatology are all part of life AND health.

A part of our journey that we can not stop or get away from. No matter who you are you will at some point in your life experience aches. pains, and symptoms of some kind.

Just because we can’t stop it does not mean we shouldn’t try to give ourselves the best opportunity to move through these times as easily and with as much grace as possible.

What that ultimately comes down to is our nervous system and its ability to help us navigate these times, but also our own intuitive nature to interpret these times as communication from our body.

If we can begin to master the ability to decipher or decode these messages from our body it will greatly inform us of not only what our body needs but also the brilliance our body possesses.

The key…

Our nervous system!

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

Where Your Energy Flows

The full saying you may be familiar with already…

Where your attention goes, your energy flows!

This is something that has become a staple in my life. What I mean by that is I do my best to remind myself of this fact. I do my best to be aware of this as often as I can/ need to be.

Another way to say this would be…

What you think about, you bring about.

It used to be a bit taboo, but it has become much more mainstream knowledge that our thoughts have an influence and impact on our life. We could truly go “down the rabbit hole” on this topic, but I will save that for another blog post.

So, how does this ability impact our health?

For the majority of people, based on the indoctrination and programming of our current “healthcare” system, when it comes to our health we tend to focus on what’s “wrong with us?”

As a chiropractor I tend to hear things like…

“Doc, I’m so messed up today.”

“I have this ______ ache/pain because my body is broken/ doesn’t work right.”

“I have awful genetics, so I can’t do_________.”

There are many more but you can see how these thoughts are focused on the perceived negative side of what could be going on. In my professional and personal opinion, I can whole heartedly say that the more we focus on there type of thoughts the more of the perceived negative’s we will see in our life.

We are so inundated in every facet of our lives with all the things and all of the ways that we are “messed up” or “broken” that can become very easy to see why so many are hyper-fixated on their perceived “wrong-ness.” Especially when it comes to health.

On the other side, if we choose to focus on thoughts that empower us or keep us in a place of consciously acknowledging what is RIGHT IN US the more perceived “right’s” we will see in our life.

At Luminous, part of what we think makes us different from other chiropractic & health offices is the fact that we make a very deliberate choice to focus on the “right” rather than the “wrong.”

The quotations on those words are to bring awareness to that the right and wrong in this conversation is perceived by the person with the experience. That perception than influences our thoughts about the experience and, therefore, our thoughts about it. Which in turn influence our reality.

Follow me here…

The easiest example of this is in the case of someone having a fever.

Rather than viewing the fever as something we have to chase away with medication, what if we saw it for what it was designed as…

A perfect, in-born response to keeping the body strong & healthy.

If we can come to a place of understanding that our body is actually working in our favor and is acting out of intelligence (not malevolence & randomness) we can begin to realize that even the things that are deemed “wrong” may actually be the perfect response for the certain situation that we are experiencing.

That. That recognition has the potential to shift our consciousness around health. To see our body and its intelligence as a gift and something that we should be grateful for has the potential to change not only how we view our health, but the actions we take towards preserving it.

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

What do you want?

A question that most of us truly never ask ourselves.


There are likely many reasons, but I believe that we truly never give ourselves the space to ask it.

Meaning, that we never give ourselves the opportunity to not let our emotions guide our decision making or actions.

Well, Dr. Zach, what the heck do you mean by that?

So many of us, myself included, allow our emotions to RUN THE SHOW when it comes to taking or not taking action on things. Especially when it comes to taking actions around/ for ourselves.

Now, I’ll ask you to hear me when I say that I am not saying emotions are bad.

Emotions are not bad!

In this context, they can be a hinderance to our ability to truly SEE ourselves and give ourselves what we truly want!

So, what do you want? Without any consideration for the outcome or how it may impact another person…

WHAT DO YOU WANT when it comes to your health, vitality, & well-being?

Not all, but many people that find their way into a chiropractic office are uncomfortable to say the least.

We are all uncomfortable at some point in our life, but in those moments asking what we want becomes imperative.

Do we want more of the same or are we willing to go through the sometimes uncomfortable process of change to find our way to a new state of being, new state of health the is possibly radically different than we could have ever imagined?

This is the conundrum many find themselves in at one point or another and something I try to help them navigate when they find their way to our office.

Do you want to do just enough to change how you are feeling in the moment OR do you want more than that?

More being engaging in a process that not only changes how you feel in the moment, but continues on to help you (re)connect to the source of your most true, authentic self AND create new, higher levels of health, healing, & well-being along the way.

So I ask again, what do you want?

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Dr. Zach Thomas Dr. Zach Thomas

Why Luminous?

It all begins with an idea.

Hey there! You may or may not know us yet at Luminous so let me be the first to introduce myself. I’m Zach Thomas, owner and chiropractor at Luminous Chiropractic.

I will be the first to tell you that I am not a stickler for titles when it comes to people around town or practice members in our office calling me Dr. Zach. If you want to or it feels more natural that is perfectly ok. You will likely hear people call me anything from Dr. Zach, Dr. Z, or just Zach.

Most days you will see one or both of the 2 main ladies in my life around the reception are of Luminous. Jessica, my wife, will most likely be the smiling face you see when you first come through our doors. Shayn, our daughter, is also often seen around the office, She’s usually hanging with mom or doing her favorite thing in the office, playing with/ entertaining our practice members kiddos before & after their adjustments.

Now that we have those small details out of the way….. WHY LUMINOUS?

At some point, I eventually get asked why I chose to name our practice luminous? Honestly, there are actually 2 things that led me to that decision.

The 1st coming from one of my most impactful mentors in chiropractic, Arno Burnier. He was the first person to teach me and bring into my awareness that LIGHT is LIFE in the body. When it comes to caring for people as a chiropractor we are trained to locate areas that need to be adjusted. These areas are known as “subluxations.”

I know right? Heck of a word!

But words are powerful and can give great depth into conveying a message.

When you break down the word subluxation, you get sub-lux-ation.

Sub - meaning less than

Lux or Luce - meaning light

ation - eluding to the action or process of doing something, i.e. expression

So, bringing it all back together, subluxation means less light expression or the expression of less light.

I will get into more of the details of the subluxation and how it pertains to health in another post, but this was the first hit to my consciousness about the theory and presence of light in connection to our health.

The 2nd when you first read it has no connection to chiropractic or health, but if you reference number 1 above I believe you will draw the connection.

This one actually came from everyone’s favorite miniature, green, gnome-like, sage mentor…. Master Yoda!

In the Empire Strikes Back when Yoda is trying to explain the force to Luke as they train in the forrest of Dagobah he delivers this quote…

“…Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force flow around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, yes, even between the land and the ship.”

Now, I didn’t have this recognition when I saw that movie for the first time at 12, but when it came back to me when creating Luminous.

Luminous stands for your light, our light and its greatest expression.

It is our belief that more people shining their light as bright as possible will have an astounding, positive impact on the world!

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