The 1% Change

1% change.

In some cases or circumstances 1% change may indicate a great change, but in the outlook of our health & healing 1% is not all that much change at all.

Usually, this looks like focusing on and only doing enough to change the level of our pain.

Essentially, only making a 1% change from in pain to out of pain,

|—-pain——-|——————————no pain——————————-|

In the diagram above, this would look like doing just enough to get ourselves from the “pain” section over the line into no pain and stopping at that.

Is there anything wrong with this, of course not.

For many people this is something that they are in desperate need of, but…

There is more.

There is more to our diagram and most importantly there is more to our health!

We are more than our pain,

Heck, we are more than just not having it also.

Through many avenues the majority of us over the course of our lives have been taught and conditioned to believe (and take action based on) that the biggest predictor of the quality of our health is the presence or absence of pain.

Yet, when we really begin to delve into what health is and where it comes from we can begin to see that pain is not only a bad indicator it is merely a small fraction of the entire picture. In this picture we also see that aches, pain, and symptomatology are all part of life AND health.

A part of our journey that we can not stop or get away from. No matter who you are you will at some point in your life experience aches. pains, and symptoms of some kind.

Just because we can’t stop it does not mean we shouldn’t try to give ourselves the best opportunity to move through these times as easily and with as much grace as possible.

What that ultimately comes down to is our nervous system and its ability to help us navigate these times, but also our own intuitive nature to interpret these times as communication from our body.

If we can begin to master the ability to decipher or decode these messages from our body it will greatly inform us of not only what our body needs but also the brilliance our body possesses.

The key…

Our nervous system!




Where Your Energy Flows