Where Your Energy Flows

The full saying you may be familiar with already…

Where your attention goes, your energy flows!

This is something that has become a staple in my life. What I mean by that is I do my best to remind myself of this fact. I do my best to be aware of this as often as I can/ need to be.

Another way to say this would be…

What you think about, you bring about.

It used to be a bit taboo, but it has become much more mainstream knowledge that our thoughts have an influence and impact on our life. We could truly go “down the rabbit hole” on this topic, but I will save that for another blog post.

So, how does this ability impact our health?

For the majority of people, based on the indoctrination and programming of our current “healthcare” system, when it comes to our health we tend to focus on what’s “wrong with us?”

As a chiropractor I tend to hear things like…

“Doc, I’m so messed up today.”

“I have this ______ ache/pain because my body is broken/ doesn’t work right.”

“I have awful genetics, so I can’t do_________.”

There are many more but you can see how these thoughts are focused on the perceived negative side of what could be going on. In my professional and personal opinion, I can whole heartedly say that the more we focus on there type of thoughts the more of the perceived negative’s we will see in our life.

We are so inundated in every facet of our lives with all the things and all of the ways that we are “messed up” or “broken” that can become very easy to see why so many are hyper-fixated on their perceived “wrong-ness.” Especially when it comes to health.

On the other side, if we choose to focus on thoughts that empower us or keep us in a place of consciously acknowledging what is RIGHT IN US the more perceived “right’s” we will see in our life.

At Luminous, part of what we think makes us different from other chiropractic & health offices is the fact that we make a very deliberate choice to focus on the “right” rather than the “wrong.”

The quotations on those words are to bring awareness to that the right and wrong in this conversation is perceived by the person with the experience. That perception than influences our thoughts about the experience and, therefore, our thoughts about it. Which in turn influence our reality.

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The easiest example of this is in the case of someone having a fever.

Rather than viewing the fever as something we have to chase away with medication, what if we saw it for what it was designed as…

A perfect, in-born response to keeping the body strong & healthy.

If we can come to a place of understanding that our body is actually working in our favor and is acting out of intelligence (not malevolence & randomness) we can begin to realize that even the things that are deemed “wrong” may actually be the perfect response for the certain situation that we are experiencing.

That. That recognition has the potential to shift our consciousness around health. To see our body and its intelligence as a gift and something that we should be grateful for has the potential to change not only how we view our health, but the actions we take towards preserving it.


The 1% Change


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