What do you want?

A question that most of us truly never ask ourselves.


There are likely many reasons, but I believe that we truly never give ourselves the space to ask it.

Meaning, that we never give ourselves the opportunity to not let our emotions guide our decision making or actions.

Well, Dr. Zach, what the heck do you mean by that?

So many of us, myself included, allow our emotions to RUN THE SHOW when it comes to taking or not taking action on things. Especially when it comes to taking actions around/ for ourselves.

Now, I’ll ask you to hear me when I say that I am not saying emotions are bad.

Emotions are not bad!

In this context, they can be a hinderance to our ability to truly SEE ourselves and give ourselves what we truly want!

So, what do you want? Without any consideration for the outcome or how it may impact another person…

WHAT DO YOU WANT when it comes to your health, vitality, & well-being?

Not all, but many people that find their way into a chiropractic office are uncomfortable to say the least.

We are all uncomfortable at some point in our life, but in those moments asking what we want becomes imperative.

Do we want more of the same or are we willing to go through the sometimes uncomfortable process of change to find our way to a new state of being, new state of health the is possibly radically different than we could have ever imagined?

This is the conundrum many find themselves in at one point or another and something I try to help them navigate when they find their way to our office.

Do you want to do just enough to change how you are feeling in the moment OR do you want more than that?

More being engaging in a process that not only changes how you feel in the moment, but continues on to help you (re)connect to the source of your most true, authentic self AND create new, higher levels of health, healing, & well-being along the way.

So I ask again, what do you want?


Where Your Energy Flows


Why Luminous?