There is an ever-increasing amount of children and teenagers experiencing challenges with their health that seem to not connect to one another, but they are collectively keeping these kids from experiencing their absolute best health AND life from gut issues, brain fog, chronic fatigue & exhaustion, and immune issues, to increased challenges regulating emotions.

For many parents of these kiddos and teenagers, it can feel like you are out “on an island.” These families have likely gone through a myriad of doctor’s appointments, medications, therapies, etc., and still have a child who is struggling. What can be the most frustrating for these families is going through all of these things and still being left with no answers.

Again, many of these families, wonder if there is an underlying connection to all of these challenges their children are facing. We agree with them and recognize that the connection to all of these challenges is their child’s nervous system. Specifically, the autonomic nervous system.

This is where the term DYSAUTONOMIA comes from. Simply, this refers to a decrease in regulation and lack of proper function within the autonomic nervous system.

This part of the nervous system is the connection most of these families are searching for because it coordinates & controls the functions that most impact our health. Things like digestion, immune response, sleep, and perception of our environment. If we take a look back at the list of challenges at the top of this post, all of those challenges are a result of altered function within the autonomic nervous system.

Unfortunately, the conventional medical approach overlooks the importance of the nervous system and its role as the root cause of these (and many other) challenges and opts to manage symptoms. This approach, while possibly providing temporary relief, fails to address the underlying dysfunction, leaving children trapped in a cycle of recurring symptoms and frustration. 

Enter our neurologically focused chiropractic care. A beacon of hope for so many families that feel stuck and trapped into only relying on medications for there children and families. Focused on providing precise chiropractic adjustments to help unwind and alleviate NeuroSpinal tension (subluxation) we help these families start their journey back towards optimal health & healing.

Helping the nervous system heal naturally has to happen in the same “order” or sequence that optimal neurological development is supposed to occur. At Luminous Chiropractic, we know that before we can expect improvements in brain-based challenges such as seizures and anxiety, we must first get to work on the patient’s digestion, sleep, immune function, and motor system.

Hope Through Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic

If your child’s health journey has been marred by unexplained symptoms and relentless challenges, dysautonomia could hold the key to understanding their struggles. Take the first step towards clarity and healing by scheduling a consultation at Luminous Chiropractic!


“Side Effects” of Chiropractic Care
