Why Luminous?

Hey there! You may or may not know us yet at Luminous so let me be the first to introduce myself. I’m Zach Thomas, owner and chiropractor at Luminous Chiropractic.

I will be the first to tell you that I am not a stickler for titles when it comes to people around town or practice members in our office calling me Dr. Zach. If you want to or it feels more natural that is perfectly ok. You will likely hear people call me anything from Dr. Zach, Dr. Z, or just Zach.

Most days you will see one or both of the 2 main ladies in my life around the reception are of Luminous. Jessica, my wife, will most likely be the smiling face you see when you first come through our doors. Shayn, our daughter, is also often seen around the office, She’s usually hanging with mom or doing her favorite thing in the office, playing with/ entertaining our practice members kiddos before & after their adjustments.

Now that we have those small details out of the way….. WHY LUMINOUS?

At some point, I eventually get asked why I chose to name our practice luminous? Honestly, there are actually 2 things that led me to that decision.

The 1st coming from one of my most impactful mentors in chiropractic, Arno Burnier. He was the first person to teach me and bring into my awareness that LIGHT is LIFE in the body. When it comes to caring for people as a chiropractor we are trained to locate areas that need to be adjusted. These areas are known as “subluxations.”

I know right? Heck of a word!

But words are powerful and can give great depth into conveying a message.

When you break down the word subluxation, you get sub-lux-ation.

Sub - meaning less than

Lux or Luce - meaning light

ation - eluding to the action or process of doing something, i.e. expression

So, bringing it all back together, subluxation means less light expression or the expression of less light.

I will get into more of the details of the subluxation and how it pertains to health in another post, but this was the first hit to my consciousness about the theory and presence of light in connection to our health.

The 2nd when you first read it has no connection to chiropractic or health, but if you reference number 1 above I believe you will draw the connection.

This one actually came from everyone’s favorite miniature, green, gnome-like, sage mentor…. Master Yoda!

In the Empire Strikes Back when Yoda is trying to explain the force to Luke as they train in the forrest of Dagobah he delivers this quote…

“…Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force flow around you. Here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, yes, even between the land and the ship.”

Now, I didn’t have this recognition when I saw that movie for the first time at 12, but when it came back to me when creating Luminous.

Luminous stands for your light, our light and its greatest expression.

It is our belief that more people shining their light as bright as possible will have an astounding, positive impact on the world!


What do you want?